We are an Independent & Reformed Congregation                                                                                                                           Grace Covenant Church is organized as an independent reformed church.  This implies: (1) that its relation to other churches is simply one of fraternal comity, and not of subjection or control; (2) that it governs its own affairs;       (3) that while vested in the brotherhood of members, leadership is exercised through a representative form of governance led by a Leadership Council, chosen and appointed to that duty by the congregation; and (4) that it is an independent Church, in that it is not subject to any appellate judicature, such as Presbytery, Synod, or General Assembly. This form of organization bases itself upon the fact that all authority is originally vested in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that He commits authority to the whole body of communicants, with the provision that its actual exercise shall be entrusted to Elders and Deacons chosen by the people, under His direction. His inspired Word provides for the existence of the offices of Elder and Deacon, and His Divine Spirit provides direction in the choice of men to exercise it. On the one side, therefore, these Elders and Deacons represent the people who elect them; and on the other side, they represent the Lord Himself, under whose direction they are elected and from whom all their authority is derived. They are responsible for the exercise of this authority, both to the Lord and to the people. This relation between the people, the Elders, and their Common Lord is given visible expression with peculiar solemnity at those times when the Church undertakes its most sublime and important transaction, namely its communion with Christ through Holy Communion headed by the Pastor and Elders.




Contact Us

   Grace Covenant                   Church


902 N. Polk Street Beeville, TX. 78102


Mail: P.O. Box 2001

Beeville, TX 78104


Pastor: Thomas A.             MacGregor


Phone: 361 358-1010




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